How to avoid Becoming a hardhearted christian woman

One of the bravest things a Christian woman can do is choose to be soft in a world trying to create hard hearted women.

Let’s explore how in this post!

Learn how to Linger.

  • Prayerfully linger on God’s word on a daily basis. It is living + inspired + sharper than any two edged sword.

    • Many people down play the role that prayer + meditation can have on our human hearts. However, when we open His word, pray, + choose to linger, we create space for Him to soften + transform our hardened hearts. He is near to the broken hearted, saves the crushed in Spirit (Psalm 34:18), and able to renew us (Psalm 51:10) but that does not happen by our own power or when our Bibles are shut + collecting dust.

    • I have a brainspotting meditation series called “Learning to Linger” through the book of Colossians you can check out here if you would like to explore how to honor your mind body connection while studying scripture.

Tune into Your Nervous System

  • Learn how to put a pause on your triggers + rumination.

    • Past wounds + emotional triggers can hardened our hearts because they keep us in self protection mode. Self protection can prevent us from being fully present with our loved ones.Tuning into your triggers takes courage + strength, but it is a life changing practice that can soften your heart in ways you would never expect. I have an entire course on this and it is why women report wins like this:

    • I have an entire 12 week Program where you learn how to dive deep into your nervous system and begin the process of healing your triggers. It is where women are getting results like this:

Balance Your Minerals

  • Minerals play a direct role in how we respond in certain situations.

    • Imbalanced minerals can impact our emotions. An example of this is when you are under chronic stress, your God designed body burns through magnesium. Magnesium + calcium are interconnected in the body so when this happens, this can cause calcium to increase + create a calcium shell. It is the bodies natural defense against overwhelming stress, which then helps numb down emotions and awareness to make the body less sensitive to what that stressor may have been. But also impacts cellular function along the way + contributes to blood sugar imbalances + thyroid dysfunction which worsens anxiety + depression + often makes us sympathetic dominant + prone to being hard hearted.

    • Check out my posts on HTMA testing + mineral balancing to learn more about this topic.


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